Entwicklung des Immunsystems
Prof. Dr. Andreas DiefenbachEntwicklung des Immunsystems
Prof. Dr. Andreas Diefenbach
CV - Akademischer Werdegang und Schlüsselpublikationen (nur auf Englisch verfügbar)
Scientific Career
- Since 2016 Professor (W3) and Director/Chair, Department of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Charité – University Medical Centre Berlin
- 2013-2016 Professor (W3) and Director/Chair, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Johannes-Gutenberg University of Mainz, Medical Centre
- 2006-2013 Professor (W3), Mikrobiologie & Molekulare Infektionsimmunologie, University of Freiburg Medical Centre
- 2003-2006 Irene Diamond Assistant Professor of Immunology (tenure track), Assistant Professor of Pathology, Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, New York University Medical Center, New York, USA
- 1999-2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- 1996-1998 Resident, Institut für Klinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie & Hygiene, University of Erlangen
- 1992-1997 M.D. student, Institut für Klinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie & Hygiene, University of Erlangen
- 2012 Board Exam (Facharztprüfung), Microbiology, Virology & Epidemiology of Infections
- 1997 Dr. med. (summa cum laude), Microbiology/Immunology, University of Erlangen
- 1996 M.D., Medicine, University of Erlangen
- 1989-1996 Medical School, University of Erlangen, Germany and Imperial College, London, UK
Boards and Memberships
Boards (selection)
- Since 2019 Editorial Board, Immunity
- Since 2017 Executive Committee, ZIBI Graduate Scholl for Infection and Immunity
- Since 2016 Coordinator, DFG Priority Program 1937 “Innate Lymphoid Cells”
- 2015-2016 Speaker, Research Centre Immunology, Universitätsmedizin Mainz
- 2009-2013 Director, Integrated Research and Training Group (IRTG-IMM) of SFB 620
- 2009-2013 Executive Committee, Max-Planck-Research School of Molecular & Cellular Biology (IMPRS-MCB), Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics
- American Association of Immunologists (AAI)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie (DGfI)
- Society of Natural Immunity (SNI)
- 2022 ERC Advanced Grant “ILCADAPT: How cells of the innate immune system respond to tissue metabolic changes”
- Since 2017 Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science Group)
- 2013 ERC Starting/Consolidator Grant
- 2010 Main Scientific Prize, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mikrobiologie und Hygiene
- 2009 Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences USA & Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung
- 2004-2005 Whitehead Fellowship for Junior Faculty in Biomedical Sciences
- 2003-2006 Irene Diamond Professorship for Immunology
- 2000-2003 Postdoctoral Fellowship for Physicians, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- 1999-2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- 1998 Dissertation Award (summa cum laude), University of Erlangen
- 1993/1994 Stipend, Dr. Carl Duisberg Stiftung
Third Party Funding
Selection (from 2011 – ongoing)
- 2022-2027 (pending): ERC Advanced Grant “ILCADAPT: How cells of the innate immune system respond to tissue metabolic changes”
- 2018-2022 DFG TR241: Innate modules of intestinal epithelial cell protection in inflammatory bowel diseases
- 2018-2022 DFG TR84: Pathogen recognition by taste and odorant receptors and coupling to BALT formation and epithelial remodeling
- 2018-2022 DFG TR84: Regulation of antibacterial defence in the lung by the alarmin
IL-33 - 2017-2020 DFG FOR2599: Signals orchestrating innate type 2-mediated immunity
- 2017-2023 DFG SPP1937: Coordination proposal
- 2017-2023 DFG SPP1937: Epigenetic and transcriptional plasticity of ILC
- 2016-2019 DFG SPP1656: Characterization of mononuclear phagocyte populations that mediate microbiota-ILC3 interactions
- 2015-2024 DFG SFB-TR156: The role of skin-resident innate lymphoid cells for resistance to infection and colonization with the pathobiont Staphylococcus aureus
- 2013-2018 ERC Starting/Consolidator Grant: NutrImmune: Nutrient-controlled molecular path-way instructing development and function of mucosa-associated innate lymphocytes
Key Publications
- Witkowski, M., C.Tizian, M.Ferreira-Gomes, D.Niemeyer, T.C.Jones, F.Heinrich, S.Frischbutter, S.Angermair, T.Hohnstein, I.Mattiola, P.Nawrath, S.Mc Ewen, S.Zocche, E.Viviano, G.A.Heinz, M.Maurer, U.Kölsch, R.L.Chua, T.Aschman, C.Meisel, J.Radke, B.Sawitzki, J.Roehmel, K.Allers, V.Moos, T.Schneider, L.Hanitsch, M.A.Mall, C.Conrad, H.Radbruch, C.U.Duerr, J.A.Trapani, E.Marcenaro, T.Kallinich, V.M.Corman, F.Kurth, L.E.Sander, Christian Drosten, S.Treskatsch, P.Durek, A.Kruglov, A.Radbruch, M.F.Mashreghi, and A.Diefenbach. 2021. Untimely TGFb responses in severe COVID-19 limit antiviral function of NK cells. Nature. 600:295-301
- Guendel, F., M.Kofoed-Branzk, K.Gronke, C.Tizian, M.Witkowski, H-W.Cheng, G.A.Heinz, F.Heinrich, P.Durek, P.S.Norris, C.F.Ware, C.Ruedl, S.Herold, K.Pfeffer, T.Hehlgans, A.Waisman, B.Becher, A.D.Giannou S.Brachs, K.Ebert, Y.Tanriver, B.Ludewig, M-F.Mashreghi, A.A.Kruglov, and A.Diefenbach. 2020. Group 3 innate lymphoid cells program a distinct subset of IL-22BP-producing dendritic cells demarcating solitary intestinal lymphoid tissues. Immunity. 53:1015-1032.
- Schaupp L, S.Muth, L.Rogell, M.Kofoed-Branzk, F.Melchior, S.Lienenklaus, S.C.Ganal-Vonarburg, M.Klein, F.Guendel, T.Hain, K.Schütze, U.Grundmann, V.Schmitt, M.Dorsch, J.Spanier, P.Tegtmeyer, T.Schwanz, S.Jäckel, C.Reinhardt, T.Bopp, S.Danckwardt, K.Mahnke, G.A.Heinz, M.F.Mashreghi, P.Durek, U.Kalinke, O.Kretz, T.B.Huber, S.Weiss, C.Wilhelm, A.J.Macpherson, H.Schild, A.Diefenbach1,*, H.C.Probst*. 2020. Microbiota-induced tonic type I interferons instruct a poised basal state of dendritic cells. Cell. 181:1080-1096. 1Lead Senior Author; *equal contribution.
- Gronke, K., P.P.Hernández, J.Zimmermann, S.N.Klose, M.Kofoed-Branzk, F.Guendel, M.Witkowski, C.Tizian, L. Amann, F.Schumacher, H.Glatt, A.Triantafyllopoulou, and A.Diefenbach. 2019. Interleukin-22 protects intestinal stem cells against genotoxic stress. Nature. 566:249-253.
- Guendel, F., M.Kofoed-Branzk, K.Gronke, C.Tizian, M.Witkowski, H-W.Cheng, G.A.Heinz, F.Heinrich, P.Durek, P.S.Norris, C.F.Ware, C.Ruedl, S.Herold, K.Pfeffer, T.Hehlgans, A.Waisman, B.Becher, A.D.Giannou S.Brachs, K.Ebert, Y.Tanriver, B.Ludewig, M-F.Mashreghi, A.A.Kruglov, and A.Diefenbach. 2020. Group 3 innate lymphoid cells program a distinct subset of IL-22BP-producing dendritic cells demarcating solitary intestinal lymphoid tissues. Immunity. 53:1015-1032.
- Herrtwich, L., …, Diefenbach*, P.Henneke, and A.Triantafyllopoulou*. 2016. DNA damage signaling instructs polyploid macrophage fate in granulomas. Cell. 167:1264-1280. *co-corresponding authors
- Hernandez, P., T.Mahlakoiv, I.Yang, V.Schwierzeck, N.Nguyen, F.Guendel, K.Gronke, B.Ryffel, C.Hoelscher, L.Dumoutier, J.C. Renauld, S.Suerbaum, P.Staeheli, Diefenbach. 2015. Interferon-l and interleukin-22 cooperate for the induction of interferon-stimulated genes and control of rotavirus infection. Nature Immunology. 16:698-707.
- Klose, C.S.N., M.Flach, L.Möhle, L.Rogell, T.Hoyler, C.Fabiunke, K.Ebert, D.Pfeifer, V.Sexl, D.Fonseca Pereira, R.G.Domingues, H.Veiga-Fernandes, S.Arnold, I.R.Dunay, Y.Tanriver, and Diefenbach. 2014. Differentiation of type 1 ILCs from a common progenitor to helper-like innate lymhoid cell lineages. Cell. 157:340-356.
- Klose, C.S.N., E.A.Kiss, V.Schwierzeck, K.Ebert, T.Hoyler, Y.d’Hargues, N.Göppert, A.L.Croxford, A.Waisman, Y.Tanriver, and Diefenbach. 2013. A T-bet gradient controls the fate and function of CCR6- RORyt+ innate lymphoid cells. Nature. 494:261-265.
- Hoyler, T., C.S.N.Klose, A.Souabni, A.Turqueti-Neves, D.Pfeifer, E.L.Rawlins, D.Voehringer, M.Busslinger, and Diefenbach. 2012. The transcription factor GATA3 controls cell fate and maintenance of type 2 innate lymphoid cells. Immunity. 37:634-648.
- Ganal, S.C., S.L.Sanos, C.Kallfass, K.Oberle, C.Johner, C.Kirschning, S.Lienenklaus, S.Weiss, P.Staeheli, P.Aichele, and Diefenbach. 2012. Priming of natural killer cells by non-mucosal mononuclear phagocytes requires instructive signals from the commensal microbiota. Immunity. 37:171-186.
- Kiss, E.A., C.Vonarbourg, S.Kopfmann, …, and Diefenbach. 2011. Natural aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands control organogenesis of intestinal lymphoid follicles. Science. 334:1561-1565.
- Vonarbourg, C., A.Mortha, V.L.Bui, P.Hernandez, E.A.Kiss, T.Hoyler, M.Flach, B.Bengsch, R.Thimme, C.Hölscher, M.Hönig, U.Pannicke, K.Schwarz, C.F.Ware, D.Finke, and Diefenbach. 2010. Regulated expression of nuclear receptor RORyt confers distinct functional fates to NK cell receptor-expressing RORyt+ innate lymphocytes. Immunity. 33:736-751.
- Sanos, S.L., V.L.Bui, A.Mortha, K.Oberle, C.Heners, C.Johner, and Diefenbach. 2009. RORyt and commensal microflora are required for the differentiation of mucosal interleukin 22-producing NKp46+ cells. Nature Immunology. 10:83-91.
- Lucas, M., W.Schachterle, K.Oberle, P.Aichele, and Diefenbach. 2007. Dendritic Cells Prime Natural Killer Cells by trans-Presenting Interleukin 15. Immunity. 26:503-517.
AG Diefenbach
Entwicklung und Funktion des angeborenen Immunsystems
Diefenbach lab Charité
Development and function of the innate immune system