Startseite > Köpfe am DRFZ > Dr. Theres Manthey

Dr. Theres Manthey

Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin
Ein Institut der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

“Animal welfare starts before the experiment!” As the DRFZ’s main Animal Welfare Officer, I am committed to ensuring the highest possible animal welfare standards at the DRFZ – and this starts with animal husbandry. Together with our animal house leader Dr. Lena Reiske, I therefore work to continuously improve animal welfare by optimising breeding and husbandry conditions, promoting communication and constantly raising our standards.

Scientific Backround

Award of the title ‘Specialist veterinarian for animal welfare’

2021 Animal welfare officer and attending veterinarian at DRFZ, Berlin, Germany

2020 – 2021
Veterinarian and project manager at the Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.V., Berlin, Germany

2017 – 2019
Animal welfare officer and veterinarian at Charité, Berlin, Germany

Award of Doctorate (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)

2015 – 2017
Veterinarian at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

2014 – 2015
Veterinary practitioner in Brandenburg, Germany

2019 – 2024
Qualification as a specialised veterinarian for animal welfare and ethics at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Graduated in veterinary medicine, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; licence to practise veterinary medicine

High school graduation in Potsdam, Germany

  • Arbeitskreis Berliner Tierschutzbeauftragte e.V.
  • Tierärztliche Vereinigung für Tierschutz e.V. (TVT)
  • Berliner Tierärztliche Gesellschaft e.V. (BTG)
  • Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde (GV-SOLAS)