Vasculitisday 2025

Deutsche Rheuma-Liga Berlin e.V., Begegnungshalle, Eingang Mariendorfer Damm 159/161, 12107 Berlin
The Deutsche Rheuma-Liga Berlin e.V. invites you to the Vasculitis Day.
The event will take place on Saturday, March 8, 2025, at the Deutsche Rheuma-Liga Berlin e.V., in the meeting hall, entrance Mariendorfer Damm 159/161, 12107 Berlin from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Participation is free of charge and also possible digitally via livestream. Please indicate this separately when registering.
All further details and the program of the event can be found on our website or here:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Dörner Charité & DRFZ has taken over the scientific direction of the event and Dr. Katinka Albrecht, DRFZ, will talk about her experiences from health care research on vasculitis as a rare disease.