Animal experiments at DRFZ

Maximum transparency
Although the development of alternative methods to animal experiments continually makes progress, animal models are still indispensable for certain scientific questions. The DRFZ, an institute of the Leibniz Association, is committed to maximum transparency towards the public with regard to the animal experiments carried out at the institute. The DRFZ is a member of the “Initiative Transparency in Animal Experiments” (Initiative Transparente Tierversuche), an information initiative of ‘Understanding Animal Experiments’ (Tierversuche verstehen) and the Permanent Senate Commission on Animal Experimental Research (Ständigen Senatskommission für tierexperimentelle Forschung) of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)). The initiative provides information about animal experiments at publicly funded research institutions and promotes the dialogue between science and the public. Find out more about our animal experimentation work on our information pages: