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- Pathophysiology of Rheumatic Inflammation
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- Leibniz ScienceCampus Chronic Inflammation
- Interview with Prof. Chiara Romagnani
- Campus discussions
- Leibniz-Inflammation Lectures
- Lecture Series on Chronic Inflammation
- Nachwuchsförderung im Campus
- Leibniz Summer School - Connecting Concepts of Chronic Inflammation
- Leopoldina-Symposium - Environmental Education of the Immune System in Health and Disease, 29. / 30. August 2019
- Campus Chronic inflammation and vaccination
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- Long Night of the Sciences - June 22, 2024
- Berlin Symposium 2024 at DRFZ
- 2nd DRFZ Grad Student & Postdoc Research Day 2024
- Remembering Av at the DRFZ and Avrion Mitchison Prize Ceremony
- Robert Koch Lecture 2023
- 1st DRFZ PhD and MD Day 2023
- Night at the DRFZ - That was the Long Night of Science 2023
- Handover of office to the new Scientific Director of the DRFZ
- 6th German Mass Cytometry User Forum 2023
- Oxford-Berlin School on Molecular Basis of Inflammatory Diseases
- Measuring the cell
- Robert Koch Lecture
- Book a Scientist am 8. April 2022
- Thank you for a great 5th Mass Cytometry User Forum!
- Book a Scientist am 10.11.2021
- Leibniz Research Network Immune-mediated Diseases
- Kongress für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2021
- DiGifZ 2021 - Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry
- Day of Immunology - DRFZ vs SARS-CoV-2
- 5th IIMVF: Educating the immune system: good and bad memory
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- DRFZ in the media
- DRFZ vs SARS-CoV-2
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- DRFZ at a glance
- Animal experiments at DRFZ
- People at the DRFZ
- DRFZ Structures
- Patients and relatives
- Rheumatism - a common disease with many faces
- Research on rheumatic diseases - several paths leading to one goal
- Epidemiological registers on rheumatic diseases in adults
- Epidemiological studies on rheumatic diseases in children and adolescents
- Anlaufstellen für Rheuma-Betroffene und Angehörige - in German only
- The DRFZ in the Leibniz Association
- Public relations at the DRFZ
- Equal opportunities
- Hasinger Lecture and Mitchison Prize
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- A look back at the 3rd German Mass Cytometry User Forum
- Abstract Upload Berlin Symposium, 1-2 July 2024
- Albrecht Hasinger Lecture 2019
- Avrion Mitchison Prize 2019
- Chronicle of the Albrecht Hasinger Lecture
- Chronicle of the Avrion Mitchison Prizewinners
- Avrion Mitchison Prize and Albrecht Hasinger Lecture
- Rheuma – Volkskrankheit mit vielen Gesichtern
- Rheumaforschung - Auf mehreren Wegen zum Ziel
- Anlaufstellen für Rheuma-Betroffene und Angehörige
- Welt-Rheuma-Tag im DRFZ
- Sjögren-Tag 2024 am 6. April bei der Deutschen Rheuma-Liga Berlin
- DRFZ receives the Total E-Quality Award
- DRFZ NewsFlash – subscribe now
- Key Insights into Bone Marrow Plasma Cells and Long-Lasting Immunity
- TGF-β as a biomarker for severe COVID-19 disease
- Forschung ohne Versuchstiere – “Es gibt noch keine überzeugende Alternative”
- Science Slam mit Mikrobiotaforschung – Live aus dem Zeiss-Großplanetarium Berlin
- Social stress affects blood cell production
- Information on the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
- Das Mikrobiom reguliert die Fitness des Immunsystems
- Third vaccination improves immunity of the very elderly
- If antibodies cause diseases – new approach to treat chronic inflammation
- 7. Juni 2021: Virtuelles Arzt-Patienten-Gespräch: Corona-Update 2 – Impfung und mehr
- A great success – Long Night of Sciences
- Ideenwettbewerb der Deutschen Rheumastiftung
- When cells make you sick – new professorship for “Cytometry” at the Technical University of Berlin
- Immune protection through long-lived plasma cells after mRNA vaccination
- 34th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry
- RND-Videoschalte: “Bei den Wissenschaftlern schrillen die Alarmglocken”
- Recommendations for Rheuma patients during the corona pandemic
- Biologics expand therapy options for vasculitis
- DGfI Stellungnahme zur Impfung gegen SARS-CoV-2: Kann die zweite Dosis warten?
- Targeting the treatment of autoimmune diseases
- 2. DRFZ Young Talents Fellowship awarded to Marta Ferreira-Gomes
- DRFZ city cyclists collectively cycle 6684 km!
- Anja Strangfeld is the new head of the Programme Area Epidemiology at the DRFZ
- New pattern recognition method enables easier identification of the cells that cause disease
- Poster Award for Leo Fiebig at the DGfZ Conference
- Wegbereiter der Stammzelltherapie zur Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen zu Gast am DRFZ
- Fortschritte beim Sjögren-Syndrom: Erwerbstätig trotz „Rheuma“ der Speichel- und Tränendrüsen
- Tierversuche im Gespräch
- Two project proposals win the ideas competition “Ideenwettbewerb of the Deutschen Rheumastiftung”
- Konstant in Bewegung: Wohin geht die Rheuma-Versorgung?
- New – DRFZ Young Talents Fellowship
- Diversity Day at the DRFZ
- 2nd German Mass Cytometry User Forum finished
- 5th Mass Cytometry User Forum
- Kurzvortrag im Futurium: Rudolf Virchows Traum vollenden – Einzelzell-Medizin
- Bacteria in saliva can induce protective antibodies against SARS-CoV-2
- This was the Avrion Mitchison Award and Albrecht Hasinger Lecture 2019
- Rheuma bewegt uns alle – Dank an Frau Prof. Erika Gromnica-Ihle
- Depressive Zeichen bei Wirbelsäulenleiden: Studie zur Axialen Spondyloarthritis ausgezeichnet
- DRFZ at the Rheumatology Congress 2023 in Leipzig
- DRFZ nach Evaluation durch die Leibniz-Gemeinschaft zur weiteren Förderung empfohlen
- Corona pandemic: The DRFZ also switches to minimum operation
- Rheumatological care of pregnant axial spondyloarthritis patients is important
- Raluca Niesner wurde zu Oktober 2018 zur Universitätsprofessorin am Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin der FU ernannt.
- Prescription of physical therapy for patients with rheumatoid diseases
- Digitaler Kaffeeklatsch mit Wissenschaft aus dem DRFZ
- New genetic cause of lupus found
- 29th Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry (DGfZ)
- Is IgM Fc receptor (FcμR) expressed by innate immune cells?
- DGRh science awards for DRFZ epidemiologists
- Die Vermessung der Zelle – Ausstellung in der BBAW Berlin
- Exceptional Student Award for Lisa Budzinski
- Uta Bielfeldt is the new Administrative Director at DRFZ Berlin
- Yvette Meissner chosen to attend the 5th Young Researchers Academy on Health Services Research
- Forschung zu Rückenschmerzen und Rheuma: Betroffene reden mit
- Final symposium of the TARISMA research network
- Corona-Fragen an Prof. Andreas Radbruch: Wie reagiert das Immunsystem auf das Coronavirus?
- „Fortunetelling with Poop“ – What does the intestinal flora tell about health?
- NOS inhibition reverses TLR2-induced chondrocyte dysfunction
- Update: Marta Ferreira-Gomes is again spokesperson of the Leibniz Postdoc Network
- Welt-Rheuma-Tag am 12.10.2021, 17.00 Uhr: Vortrag von PD Dr. med. Anja Strangfeld
- DRFZ in leichter Sprache erklärt
- DRFZ article in the ZEIT online – Forschungskosmos
- Pre-existing SARS-CoV-2-specifc memory CD4+ T cells reside in the bone marrow
- Berlin Symposium 2024 – a great success!
- Keynote Lecture of Andreas Radbruch at the 5th European Congress of Immunology
- Day of Immunology – pupils at DRFZ
- Signing of license agreement between DRFZ and APE
- Mechanical forces link bone matrix mineralization and inhibition of angiogenesis to limit adolescent bone growth
- Senioren – Zahlreiche Senioren haben rheumatische Erkrankungen wie Arthrose oder rheumatoider Arthritis. Wie können Sie gegensteuern?
- 6. September 2021: Virtuelles Arzt-Patienten-Gespräch: “Rheuma und Osteoporose”
- Eicke Latz – Highly Cited Researcher at the DRFZ
- EFIS – Newsletter to all immunologists, March 2020
- Robert Koch Lecture 2020, 16.11.2020, 10.00-12.00 Uhr, online
- New Insights into bones
- Johanna Callhoff new head of the Health Services Research Group
- New: Short interviews with the Avrion Mitchison Prize awardees
- New mechanism of cortisone action deciphered
- The DRFZ and the city cycling event
- 30 Jahre Rheumaforschung in Berlin
- New biomarkers for autoimmune congenital heart block identified
- 4th German Mass Cytometry User Forum 2021 – Online
- Efficacy of corona vaccination in rheumatoid arthritis patients receiving rituximab
- Max Löhning to be appointed Chair of the Foundation Council of the Ernst Schering Stiftung
- International Women and Girls in Science Day: Together as a team
- Vision 2030 – a virtual meeting
- Pathogenic memory cells of rheumatic inflammation hide in the bone marrow
- Europäische COVAX-Studie: COVID-19-Impfstoffe auch für Menschen mit Rheuma verträglich und wirksam
- Complete remission of SLE after treatment with cancer drug
- 3rd edition of Flow Cytometry Guidelines for basic and clinical immunologists!
- Julia Rautenstrauch is a new member of the DRFZ Board of Trustees
- Wolfgang Schulze Foundation Förderpreis 2023 for two DRFZ scientists
- Vom 2. – 9.4.2020: Expertenforum „Coronavirus und Rheuma“
- Distinct microbiota can induce antibodies to SARS-CoV-2
- Prizes and Honours at the Congress of the German Society for Rheumatology
- Do more and more people in Germany have rheumatoid arthritis?
- Cell sorting without dyes
- Die Darmflora als Spiegel der Gesundheit
- Memory B cells also rest in the bone marrow and wait for reactivation
- Chronischen Entzündungen auf der Spur
- High therapy satisfaction among patients with rheumatic diseases
- Wolfgang Schulze Preis-Verleihung
- Awards at the the German Society for Immunology conference
- Awards for two DRFZ researchers at the SFI-DGfI Joint Meeting
- DRFZ versus SARS-CoV2
- DRFZ in a consortium for the development of an infrastructure for immunological data
- DGfZ Meeting in Jena: Poster award for Lisa Budzinski
- Discovery of “super-functional” T-cells that drive inflammation in rheumatic diseases
- The alarmin IL-33 promotes Tcf-1+ CD8+ T cells in chronic viral infections
- Rapid mobilization of tissue-resident memory T cells in systemic immune reactions
- Antrittsvorlesung PD Dr. med. Anja Strangfeld an der Charité
- Prof. Chiara Romagnani is the new director of the Institute for Medical Immunology at Charité
- Mini Symposium B Cells and Beyond: B cells in inflammation
- Thomas Dörner awarded honorary EULAR membership
- Interview mit Prof. Andreas Radbruch
- DRFZ junior researchers are networking Germany-wide
- Two scientists from the DRFZ successfully completed the Leibniz Mentoring program for women
- Extended deadline for Avrion Mitchison Prize: September 15
- Systemic lupus erythematosus = many concomitant diseases?
- DRFZ is part of the new German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ)
- Tilmann Kallinich in Leibniz Magazine
- Interview on MDR with Dr. Johanna Callhoff
- Information für Patientinnen und Patienten
- 1.5-2.1 million adults with rheumatic diseases in Germany
- Immunity to SARS-CoV-2: the complex nature of the immunological memory
- Obituary for Erika Gromnica-Ihle † 15 November 2024
- Guidelines for the use of cytometry
- A new method for the treatment of antibody-mediated diseases
- Transitionsprojekte
- „Tag der Immunologie“ am DRFZ
- Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Chronische Entzündung wird weitere 4 Jahre gefördert
- Innate lymphoid cells as the next frontier in cellular therapies
- Anaeroplasma – an intestinal bacterium that inhibits inflammation
- DRFZ anniversary ceremony
- DRFZ PhD students receive Bright Sparks award at European Congress of Immunology (ECI) 2021
- Biomarker identified that predicts therapeutic success in chronic inflammatory bowel disease
- Kick off a new Innovative Medicine Initiative 2 (IMI2)-Project: 3TR
- New job offers in the programme area Epidemiology
- Cutting-edge technology sheds light on lung pathology in severe cases of COVID-19
- Vielen Dank für eine schöne, spannende Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften am DRFZ!
- Switching off a “danger sensor” on immune cells prevents inflammation in a model of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Urine Biomarkers – immune cells indicate kidney inflammation
- Annual Report of the DRFZ is online in media library
- Nachruf
- The dual role of TNF in inflammation and tissue repair
- Which biologics for whom? In obese patients, certain anti-rheumatic drugs do not work as well
- Schmerzmittel bei Rheuma – eine Analyse von Abrechnungsdaten
- Time-resolved scattered light analysis of cell cycle developed
- Molecular switch for the gradual reprogramming of immune cells decoded
- 25 years of observation: rheumatic patients are much better cared for today
- Angela Zink honoured with the EULAR Meritorious Service Award 2023
- Aktuelle Studienergebnisse zu Rheuma und Übergewicht – Zu viele Kilos hemmen die Wirkung von Medikamenten
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: disease-causing and protective cells identified
- Health insurance data show a high burden of disease in osteoarthritis
- Lisa Budzinski wins the 1st Science Slam of the Leibniz PhD Network
- Joachim Listing awarded Kußmaul Medal
- Thanks to the patients: A better understanding of rheumatism with their support
- Children with rheumatic diseases are increasingly better
- The Leibniz Postdoc Network introduces: Martin Schäfer
- Lisa Budzinski is crowned German Science Slam Champion
- Lisa Budzinski im Leibniz Magazin
- Early diagnosis of eye inflammation in children with rheumatic diseases is crucial to avoid sequelae
- Anne Regierer is head of the new group Registry Research in Rheumatology
- Contrasting contributions of TNF from distinct cellular sources in arthritis
- Early diagnosis improves the prognosis of young people with rheumatic diseases
- “Unser Ziel ist eine neue Klasse von Biologika” – Interview mit Andreas Radbruch
- Das Was, Wie und Warum in der rheumatologischen Versorgung
- International Day of Women and Girls in Science: portraits of female DRFZ employees
- ERC Starting Grant for Prof. Dr. Dr. Ahmed Hegazy
- Ergebnisse aus dem Register Covid-19-rheuma
- Effects of rheumatic drugs on COVID-19 progression
- Using mathematical modeling to unravel critical components in the survival of bone marrow memory plasma cells
- Multiplex microscopy opens up new opportunities for the analysis of immune cells in a tissue context
- The Leibniz Postdoc Network introduces: Marta Ferreira Gomes
- Genetic switch for immune responses against viruses discovered
- 3. Mai 2021: Virtuelles Arzt-Patienten-Gespräch: Ernährung bei Rheuma
- Preisverleihung der Stiftung Wolfgang Schulze 18.11.24 im Abgeordnetenhaus
- Linking medical registries in the new LinKMedR project
- Prof. Elisabeth Märker-Hermann (MD) is the new President of the Board of Trustees
- Combining segmental bulk- and single-cell RNA-sequencing to define the chondrocyte gene expression signature in the murine knee joint.
- The Resting and the Restless T-Cell Memory – How are we protected from re-infection by (Corona-) Viruses
- Portrait of Andreas Radbruch in Leibniz Magazine
- The new DGRh memorandum
- Changes in the gut microbiota in JIA are age-dependent
- In memoriam of Reinhold Schmidt
- Carsten Watzl is the new Chairperson of the DRFZ Scientific Advisory Board
- Asthma bei Kindern zeigt sich im Blut: Bundesweites Team aus der Medizin findet Biomarker für schwere Ausprägungen von Asthma im Kindesalter
- ERC Advanced Grants for two joint research groups of the Leibniz Institute DRFZ and Charité
- The DRFZ mourns the loss of Avrion Mitchison – the institute’s founding director
- Rheuma birgt hohes Risiko für Begleiterkrankungen
- Wolfgang Schulze Preis: Forschungsvorhaben bis 31.3.2021 einreichen
- The SARS-CoV-2 virus inhibits the immune response by inducing the cytokine TGFβ in COVID-19 patients with severe disease
- Immunity to Corona – for how long?
- Three vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 are absolutely required in RA patients to elicit antiviral antibody response in the oral cavity
- How do lymph nodes develop? – An important transcription factor network in innate lymphoid cells has been deciphered
- Mitarbeiter/in für die Labor-Spülküche (m/w/div) in Teilzeit
- Robert Koch Lecture 2021
- Vikram Sunkara from the ZIB is a New Liaison Group Leader at the DRFZ
- From single cell observation to systemic understanding
- The DRFZ mourns the loss of Jochen Kalden – founding father and mentor of the DRFZ
- NAKO study: more frequent depression, but no differences in cognitive tests in rheumatic disease
- Poster Award for Ruth Leben
- How stromal cells organise the immune system in the bone marrow and thus drive chronic rheumatic inflammation
- Kidney transplant and dialysis patients have poor responses to COVID-19 vaccines
- New network of medical registries: Anne Regierer is spokesperson
- Arbeitsgruppe Kerndokumentation mit Kussmaul-Medaille der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie ausgezeichnet
- Leibniz debattiert: Impfen
- No increase in acute cardiovascular events with JAK inhibitors
- 2nd Leibniz Summer School – Connecting Concepts of Chronic Inflammation
- Tissue-resident T Lymphocytes differ from those in the blood
- Sex-specific bias in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases
- Cell therapies for rheumatic diseases – targeting the cause
- The new Board of Directors is complete
- Webinar on May 11, 2020 with Prof. Andreas Radbruch, initiated by IUIS, please register here
- The transcription factor Twist1 is typical of T lymphocytes driving chronic rheumatic inflammation by controlling their metabolism
- Pettenkofer Prize for Timo Rückert
- New Research Department at the Leibniz Institute German Rheumatism Research Center Berlin (DRFZ)
- One drug – multiple targets? News on the therapy of SLE
- Clonal immune memory in the innate immune system
- The eye as a window to the brain
- Soapbox Science Berlin – Berlin Science Week
- Coronavirus-Pandemie: Boostern hilft Hochbetagten
- New cause of kidney damage in lupus identified
- Wie nachhaltig ist Medizin heute – ein Positionspapier
- Fritz Melchers zum Ehrenmitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie ernannt
- Rheuma bei Kindern oft schwer erkennbar
- Poster Award for Patrick Maschmeyer
- Andreas Radbruch becomes new President of the European Federation of Immunological Societies
- Advanced Cytometry Course at the ECI
- Outstanding research funding for two young female DRFZ scientists
- Dr. Mir-Farzin Mashreghi: Er sucht neue Wege gegen chronische Entzündungen
- A new Lichtenberg Professorship dedicated to intestinal tract immunity