Poster Award for Ruth Leben

Dr. Ruth Leben, postdoc in Raluca Niesner’s research group at the DRFZ, was awarded a poster prize at the first meeting of the European Society for Spatial Biology (ESSB). Her contribution on “MetaFLIMB – longitudinal in vivo NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime imaging in the femoral marrow at single-cell level” was recognized by the jury as one of five outstanding presentations from over 200 posters submitted for its particular scientific innovation and relevance. The method developed by Ruth Leben makes it possible to create metabolic profiles of individual cells over time and within their natural environment in living tissue.
The ESSB is a recently founded European scientific society that brings together researchers from the field of spatial biology. Prof. Dr. Anja Hauser, group leader at the DRFZ, is one of the founding members and took on the role of conference president.
The inaugural conference took place on 12 and 13 December 2024 in Berlin and attracted 550 enthusiastic participants who discussed the latest scientific findings in the field of Spatial Biology and to network with each other.
Spatial biology goes beyond the study of individual cells by considering their spatial arrangement and interactions within complex tissues and organs. This interdisciplinary research approach integrates knowledge from medicine, biology, physics, computer science and other disciplines in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of biological systems in health and disease.