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New research areas at the DRFZ

new research areas at DRFZ

The DRFZ has restructured its research areas and now comprises four areas. Two new program areas have been formed from the previously largest program area Pathophysiology of Rheumatic Inflammation:
Cell and Tissue Rheumatology (program area 1 headed by Prof. Dr. Anja Hauser and Translational Rheumatology (program area 4) headed by PD Dr. Tobias Alexander.

Program area 1 Cell and Tissue Rheumatology

Inflammations are vital immune reactions, but can cause diseases such as rheumatic diseases in case of chronic dysregulation. These are characterized by a high heterogeneity of inflammatory processes that affect various tissues differently. In order to develop personalized therapies, the “Cell and Tissue Rheumatology” programme area investigates the mechanisms of chronic inflammation using preclinical models and patient data. The aim is to enable innovative therapies that interrupt inflammatory processes and offer long-term healing prospects.

Head of Progamme Area 1

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Anja Erika Hauser

Leader: Programme Area 1, PA 1 – Cell and Tissue Rheumatology

Group leader: Immune Dynamics

Liaison working group with Charité – Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Anja Erika Hauser

Program area 4: Translational Rheumatology

The aim of program area 4 is to promote the development of effective diagnoses and new therapeutic approaches in rheumatology. The focus is on the identification and validation of biomarkers for early and precise diagnosis and research into new cellular therapeutic targets. The use of cutting edge automation technologies and artificial intelligence is intended to create practical applications for personalized medicine. In addition, the feedback of clinical findings into basic research promotes the understanding of disease mechanisms. This integrative approach is intended to sustainably reduce the burden of disease for patients with rheumatological diseases.

Head of Programme Area 4