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Interview on Deutschlandfunk with Kirsten Minden

20250213_Nur die Hälfte der jungen Rheumapatientinnen schafft den Wechsel zur Erwachsenenmedizin_gkjr_istock_17197781

Only half of young rheumatology patients make the transition to adult medicine

Only half of young rheumatology patients make the transition to adult medicine
A survey of over 800 BARMER insurance policyholders revealed that one in two former pediatric rheumatology patients no longer receive regular rheumatology care in young adulthood. Prof. Dr. Kirsten Minden, head of the pediatric and adolescent rheumatology research group, comments on this in an interview on Deutschlandfunk radio.
In the InfoTrans research project funded by the Innovation Fund, Kirsten Minden and her colleagues are investigating the care of young people with rheumatoid arthritis. The pediatric rheumatologist and epidemiologist is concerned: “The fact that half of young rheumatology patients no longer consult a specialist bears risks. A lack of treatment can worsen the course of the disease and lead to permanent impairment in the long term”. To prevent this, a well-coordinated and structured transfer of patients from pediatric to adult rheumatology is essential.

Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Minden

Programme Area 2, PA 2 – Epidemiology and Health Services Research

Group leader: Paediatric Rheumatology and Health services research

Liaison working group with Charité – Dep. of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Immunology and Critical Care Medicine

Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Minden