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Thomas Krieg is the new President of the Board of Trustees of the DRFZ

Amtsübergabe:  Thomas Krieg, Elisabeth Märker-Herrmann, Eicke Latz & Uta Bieldfeldt
Amtsübergabe: Thomas Krieg, Elisabeth Märker-Herrmann, Eicke Latz & Uta Bieldfeldt

Prof. Dr. Thomas Krieg is the new President of the Board of Trustees of the DRFZ, succeeding Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Märker-Hermann. Dr. med. Julia Rautenstrauch is elected Vice President of the Board of Trustees.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Krieg has already been a member of the DRFZ Board of Trustees for four years and has been Vice President of this board since 2022. The Vice President of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina is looking forward to strategically shaping the future of the DRFZ.

“Rheumatology research has made extraordinarily rapid progress in recent years. The use of many innovative biomedical techniques has made it possible to better understand the molecular and cellular basis of many rheumatological diseases and to develop innovative therapeutic concepts. The DRFZ plays a key role here in Germany,” emphasizes Prof. Krieg.

The dermatologist is specialized in connective tissue diseases, fibrosing processes, autoimmune diseases and wound healing disorders. He is particularly interested in the complex cell-matrix interactions that play a central role in the activation of fibroblasts and the development of fibrosis. He investigates the molecular mechanisms of chronic wounds and fibrotic diseases and develops innovative therapeutic approaches.

Thomas Krieg has been Senior Professor for Translational Connective Tissue Research at the University of Cologne since 2017. He was also Vice-Rector of the University of Cologne and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine from 2011 – 2019.

He received his education at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, the NIH and the Dermatology Clinic of the LMU. In 1991 he was appointed Professor and Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Venereology at the University of Cologne.

Prof. Krieg has been a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina since 1997 and Vice President of this institution since 2019. Born in 1949, the physician has received numerous awards for his scientific work and is an honorary member of numerous professional societies.