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8th German Mass Cytometry User Forum, 11-12.02.2025

Dear friends of mass cytometry,

We cordially invite all mass cytometry enthusiasts to the 8th German Mass Cytometry User Forum on 11th – 12th of February 2025, taking place at JENA.

Sabine Baumgart and Diana Dudziak from Jena University Hospital are kindly hosting this event and we are excited to welcome several excellent keynote speakers. The program will also feature the „Getting Started“ tutorial, a poster session (including a poster prize), and the renowned “News from” sessions with updates from various German and Austrian Mass Cytometry and Imaging Mass Cytometry sites.

Axel Schulz
for the organizer



Choosing winners among so many outstanding scientific contributions was no easy task. We are thrilled to announce this year’s award recipients:

Best Poster Presentation: Yola Gerking (University of Bergen, Norway)

Best Short Talk: Matthieu van Tilbeurgh (Université Paris-Saclay, Inserm, CEA, France)