Promotion of young talents and job offers
Promotion of young scientists and job vacancies
An important goal of the German Rheumatism Research Centre (DRFZ) is to promote the next generation of scientists. It is committed to diversity as a driving force for innovation and excellence in rheumatism research. We believe that combining diverse perspectives and backgrounds leads to more creative solutions and breakthroughs in molecular analysis and the fight against rheumatic and other diseases.
We recruit outstanding talent from around the world to create a culture of openness and mutual respect that is essential for ground-breaking scientific discoveries. Through targeted support programmes, we also specifically strengthen underrepresented groups in science to ensure equal opportunities and promote an inclusive research landscape. Our graduate schools and PostDoc College are examples of our commitment to a diverse research community.
Our initiatives include tailored mentoring, specialised workshops and networking events aimed at maximising the skills and engagement of our young researchers. The DRFZ defines itself as a centre of scientific curiosity and innovation, committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible and improving the quality of life for millions of people worldwide. The DRFZ is guided by the career guidelines of the Leibniz Association and equal opportunity is of particular importance to us.