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Jobs at DRFZ

Positions at DRFZ

We are always interested in highly motivated applicants!
We are looking for both PhD candidates and postdocs in various research fields.

To support our research, we hire student assistants.

Teamwork and reliability are important to us – however, we occasionally seek reinforcement in administration and animal care.

For unsolicited applications, please contact the group leaders in the respective research areas directly via email.

Job offers

Datenbankprogrammierer:in | Medizinische:r Dokumentar:in (m/w/d)

Voll- oder Teilzeit. Bezahlung erfolgt je nach Qualifikation nach TVöD-Bund bis zur EG 11. Veröffentlicht: 26.02.2025
Bewerbungsfrist: 30.03.2025
Dr. Eva Voll

Working at the DRFZ

We offer:

Flexible working hours and an attractive work environment in a central location in Berlin, within interdisciplinary and international teams.

Support for the next generation of scientists

The DRFZ firmly embraces diversity as a driving force for innovation and excellence in rheumatology research. We believe that combining diverse perspectives and backgrounds leads to more creative solutions and breakthroughs in the molecular analysis and treatment of rheumatic diseases.

Fair compensation according to the tariff agreement.

The salary is based on qualifications and follows the TVöD-Bund pay scale.

Training at DRFZ

In our work groups, there is the opportunity to undertake internships as well as Bachelor’s and Master’s theses.

For unsolicited applications, please contact the respective group leaders directly.

Training positions in administration and animal care are advertised separately.

Do you have questions or would you like more information?

Please contact us by email at: