Home > Research Projects > NFDI4Immuno
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As a member of the Germany-wide consortium “National Research Data Infrastructure for Immunology (NFDI4Immuno)”, the DRFZ will be involved in the establishment of a national immunological research data infrastructure over the next five years, starting in March 2023.

The aim of NFDI4Immuno is to define standards in research data management and to establish a supra-regional storage platform in order to secure research data in a sustainable and quality-assured manner according to the FAIR principles and to make it usable for further utilisation. The FAIR princliples stand for: Findable, Accessible, Intero perable, and Re-usable, i.e. the data must be easy to find, data and metadata must be accessible, and the data can be linked to other data. Re-usability for further research must also be guaranteed.

In addition to the DRFZ, the Friedrich Löffler Institute, the Centre for Regenerative Therapies of the Technical University of Dresden, the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the University Hospital Essen, the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, the University of Tübingen, the DKMS Society and the University Hospital Münster are members of the consortium, which is coordinated by the German Cancer Research Center. Prof. Hyun-Dong Chang will be responsible for project management at the DRFZ, in addition to being co-spokesperson of the consortium.

The NFDI4Immuno is one of 27 NFDI consortia funded by the DFG which aim to make scientific data resources more accessible, which have until now have been mostly decentralised and project-dependent.

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Head of project

Prof. Dr. Hyun-Dong Chang

Programme Area 4, PA 4 – Translational Rheumatology

Group leader: Schwiete Lab for Microbiota and inflammation

Liaison working group with TU Berlin

Prof. Dr. Hyun-Dong Chang