Home > Research Projects > KFO 5023 – BECAUSE-Y
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BECAUSE-Y Berlin Center for Diagnosis, Understanding and Treatment of Antibody(Y)-mediated Neurological Diseases

The Clinical Research Group (KFO) “BecauseY” has established an interdisciplinary center at the Charité and the DZNE Berlin to better understand antibody-mediated neurological diseases and to develop new treatment approaches. Eight connected sub-projects are researching disease mechanisms, diagnostics and selective immunotherapies.

Patients are examined holistically, while scientific findings such as biobank data, diagnostic methods and innovative therapies are exchanged between the projects. In this way, the KFO not only improves patient care, but also strengthens neurology at the Charité and the DZNE as an international center for research and therapy.

The DRFZ is involved in the subproject on the characterization of checkpoint receptor-mediated B-T cell communication for the development of new immunotherapies and in the subproject on the influence of the microbiota on the induction of pathogenic, brain-specific antibodies.

Head of project