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  • BMBF

German Centre for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ)

The DRFZ is involved in the “German Centre for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ)”.

The Berlin DZKJ site comprises a network of clinically and scientifically experts from the Charité, the Berlin Institute of Health at the Charité (BIH), the MDC and the DRFZ.

Experts from a wide range of disciplines work together at the DZKJ to provide holistic care for acutely and chronically ill children and adolescents according to the latest scientific findings with the aim of improving the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of severe diseases in childhood and adolescence.

German Centres for Health Research are networks with sites distributed throughout Germany. The aim is to be able to fight common diseases better and to bring research results into practice more quickly. To this end, the German Centres for Health Research combine basic research with clinical research as well as with prevention and health care research. The centres are jointly funded by the BMBF and the Länder where the sites are located.

further PIs at the DRFZ