- Programme Area 4
Programme aims
Despite significant progress in understanding the molecular pathways underlying immune-mediated rheumatologic diseases and the emergence of powerful new technologies, the translation of this knowledge into effective treatments and health measures remains slow. The aim of Programme Area 4 is, therefore, to bridge this gap by accelerating the process of developing effective diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches in rheumatology.
Our mission focuses on developing and validating biomarkers for early and accurate diagnosis, as well as identifying novel treatment targets. By combining high-throughput automation technologies and artificial intelligence, we aim to deliver practical applications that support the implementation of personalized medicine. Moreover, the back-translation of clinically relevant findings into basic research and systems biology will enhance our understanding of disease mechanisms, fostering a synergistic loop between discovery science and clinical application. This integrated approach holds the promise of significantly improving the health and well-being of patients with rheumatologic diseases.