Home > Equal opportunities

Equal opportunities

The Equal Opportunities Officers are active in the following areas


Information, advice, support and awareness-raising for all employees on the topic of equality

Recruitment procedure

Accompanying recruitment and appointment procedures


Support and assistance in cases of sexualized discrimination and violence, stalking and bullying


Networking within the Leibniz Association & participation in committees

Promotion of young talent

Information and advice on the Leibniz Association's young talent promotion program specifically for women

Gender sensitive language

Implementing gender sensitive language

Total E-Quality score

The TOTAL E-QUALITY award certifies a successful and sustainable commitment to equal opportunities and signifies the participating organizations’ clear commitment to gender equality and diversity. The DRFZ was awarded the Total E-Quality Award for the first time in 2022.

You can find information on the following topics here

You can find more informations on gender sensitive language on our german version.

Gender-sensitive language guideline from the University Cologne

Gender sensitive communication

Contact persons:

Equal Opportunity Officer
Laleh Khodadadi

Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer
Gabriela Guerra

Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann

Leibniz Advice center for conflict guidance and prevention

If you have any questions about the collective agreement regulations on reconciling care and work, please contact the DRFZ HR department.

Infos zur Pflege aus dem TVÖD (in german)

 Pflegestützpunkte in Berlin (in german)

Ratgeber Pflege (in german)

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