Home > Research areas > Therapeutic Gene Regulation
  • Programme Area 3

Therapeutic Gene Regulation

  • Gene regulation
  • Next Generation Sequencing
  • System immunology

With oligonucleotides against „diseased“ cells

By discovering genes and non-coding RNAs implicated in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases, we aim to identify and characterise cells that trigger and drive the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases. We apply state-of-the-art methods (particularly single-cell-sequencing approaches) to determine which genes and regulatory RNAs are selectively switched on in “disease causing” pathogenic cells versus healthy cells. Genes and regulatory RNAs which keep the pathogenic cells alive would be ideal targets for new therapies. The identification of such types of therapeutic targets will contribute to the development of advanced treatments that lead to remission in patients with rheumatic diseases. Since 2020, our technological expertise has also been applied to studying the pathogenesis of COVID-19.


Group leader
Dr. rer. nat. Mir-Farzin Mashreghi

Dr. med. Carl Goetzke
Dr. rer. nat. Frederik Heinrich
Dr. rer. nat. Pawel Durek
Dr. rer. nat. Marta Ferreira-Gomes
Enikö Regenyi

Ph.D. student
Jan Licha
Mona Massoud

Gabriela Guerra

Associated group members
Katrin Lehmann (Laboratory manager)

Senior Scientific Advisor

Prof. Dr. nat. Fritz Melchers

Main cooperation partners

Thomas Dörner, Tobias Alexander, Marcus Mall, Bastian Opitz, Marcus Maurer, Andreas Diefenbach, Max Löhning, Antigoni Triantafyllopoulou, Andreas Radbruch, Eicke Latz, Gerhard Krönke, Chiara Romagnani, Tilmann Kallinich, Vikram Sunkara, Geraldine Nouailles, Leila Amini, Petra Reinke, Michael Schmück-Henneresse,  Hyun-Dong Chang, Andrey Kruglov, Hans-Dieter Volk, Sandor Simmons, Fritz Melchers, Helena Radbruch, Philipp Enghard, Julia Polansky

Guelsah Gabriel

Andreas Krueger(Gießen), , Klaus Warnatz (Freiburg), Dirk Foell (Münster), Min Ae Lee-Kirsch (Dresden), Silvia Portugal (MPI), Jürgen Wittmann (Erlangen), Alexander Scheffold (Kiel)

BioNTech, Miltenyi

Raphaela Goldbach Mansky (NIH), Simon Fillatreau(Paris), Lael Jonker(Boston), Femke van Wijk(Utrecht), Francesco Annunziato, Klaus Tenbrock (Bern), Alexandre Belot (Lyon), Emmanuel Derudder