6th German Mass Cytometry User Forum 2023
Dear friends of mass cytometry.
It was a great and personal pleasure to meet many of you face to face again at the 6th German Mass Cytometry User Forum at German Rheumatism Research Center Berlin (DRFZ), on January 19th-20th. On behalf of the organizer and the German Mass Cytometry Network, I would like to thank all speakers, session chairs, and attendees for making the Forum a scientifically excellent, lively, entertaining and productive meeting. Our special gratitude is dedicated the speakers who followed our invitation, Ermelinda Porpiglia, Christian Busse, Rosario Astaburuaga-Garcia, Bernd Bodenmiller and Yvonne Scuiller for taking their time to come to Berlin, and for their inspiring presentations. With the “News from” sessions, we successfully established a fruitful format highlighting recent developments in various mass cytometry applications across German mass cytometry sites. The poster session featured many junior scientists and provided a glimpse into tomorrow´s publications. We congratulate Julia Hecker (Charité -Universitätsmedizin Berlin) for being awarded for the best poster presentation.
With 65 on-site participants and up to 85 additional remote attendees we maintained significant national and international outreach of the previous years and were happy to lend our support to networking in the mass cytometry community.
Last but not least, we are very grateful and highly appreciate the support by our industry partners, and their contributions to enriching the meeting by communicating cutting-edge innovations.
We are looking forward to meet you again at our forthcoming mass cytometry events, watch out for news!
Henrik Mei and organizers
Meeting venue
Abstract book
We are grateful for the support of



Glass Expansion


Miltenyi Biotec

Standard Biotools

Beckman Coulter

Organization by


Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin
Organization group
Henrik Mei
Marie Burns
Axel Schulz
Ute Hoffman
Jacqueline Hirscher
Elmar Endl