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Poster Award for Leo Fiebig at the DGfZ Conference

Leonard Fiebig from the Mass Cytometry lab was awarded the best poster prize in the category “Application” at the 34th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry (DGfZ).

The PhD student is investigating the heterogeneity of antigen-specific human plasma cells in the bone marrow using spectral flow cytometry.

The DGfZ conference took place from 10 – 13 September 2024 in Berlin under the presidency of Henrik Mei, who has held this position for two years. More than 170 participants gained insights into the diverse applications of cytometry, which offers a wide range of technologies for numerous bioscience disciplines and beyond. For the sixth consecutive year, the conference was organised by the DRFZ in Berlin. With the new presidency of Oliver Otto from the University of Greifswald, future conferences will be held in a different city.

From the left: Oliver Otto, new DGfZ-president, Claudia Giesecke-Thiel, vice-president, Leo Fiebig, poster awardee, Jan Wilder, poster awardee, Henrik Mei, past-president

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