Home Latest News News Mathematische Modellierung zur Entschlüsselung entscheidender Komponenten für das Überleben von Gedächtnis-Plasmazellen im Knochenmark
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Using mathematical modeling to unravel critical components in the survival of bone marrow memory plasma cells

Antibodies provide lifelong protection from disease, but they can also cause serious chronic disorders when they target our own body. The cells that secrete antibodies, the plasma cells, are located in the bone marrow. Scientists at the DRFZ have now developed a mathematical model for the survival of plasma cells in the bone marrow. Based on experimental data, they were able to show that contact with certain connective tissue cells of the bone marrow and the stimulation of a specific cytokine receptor are the essential prerequisites for the long-term survival of plasma cells.  With the help of this mathematical model, it is now possible to predict how specific therapies might affect the plasma cells.

Link to publication
Burt P, Cornelis R, Geißler G, Hahne S, Radbruch A, Chang HD, Thurley K. Data-Driven Mathematical Model of Apoptosis Regulation in Memory Plasma Cells. Cells. 2022 May 5;11(9):1547. doi: 10.3390/cells11091547. PMID: 35563853; PMCID: PMC9102437.
Systems Biology of Inflammation Dr. Kevin Thurley kevin.thurley@uni-bonn.de more
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