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Health insurance data show a high burden of disease in osteoarthritis

With the help of health insurance data and surveys of insured persons of the BARMER insurance company, the care situation on a population level and the burden of disease of surveyed insured persons with osteoarthritis were examined. Significant limitations were reported, especially by patients with several joints affected. The prescription of painkillers was frequent, every fifth patient questioned received opioids.

Disease Burden of Patients With Osteoarthritis: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey Linked to Claims Data.
Callhoff J, Albrecht K, Redeker I, Lange T, Goronzy J, Günther KP, Zink A, Schmitt J, Saam J, Postler A.
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2020 Feb;72(2):193-200. doi: 10.1002/acr.24058.
PMID: 31479193
Emeritus - formerly Health Services Research Prof. Dr. Angela Zink zink@drfz.de more
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