New network of medical registries: Anne Regierer is spokesperson
In order to further develop medical registries in Germany and to promote the exchange between registries, data users and politics, the Register working group was founded under the umbrella of the Technology and Methods Platform (TMF) for networking medical research.
On 30.3.2023, PD Dr. med. Anne Regierer from the DRFZ’s Epidemiology and Health Services Research programme area was elected Spokesperson of the Register TMF working group at the inaugural meeting.
The TMF is funded by the BMBF and DFG to bring together researchers from different disciplines to develop concepts, infrastructures and methods that advance medical research.
The DRFZ’s registry projects, including RABBIT, RABBIT-SpA, JuMBO and RheKiss, are successful medical registries in Germany. Active participation in the TMF Register working group helps networking with other register operators in Germany and offers the opportunity to actively shape the health policy framework of medical registers.