Franziska Szelinski: B cell subsets in Systemic lupus erythematosus
Research Group
Dörner lab
Event date
Tuesday, 26 May 2020 || Time: 9:15
We succeeded with our first online-DRFZ Institute Seminar.
Thanks to the more than 50 participants, thanks for your discipline and spirit!
Also a big thank you to the ones who provided feedback afterwards which helps us to improve our performance!
Registration & Contact
- People participating while sitting in their DRFZ offices: if possible, use your private computers with headsets
- Logon starts at 9:00, to test technical things
Participants there – who want to address questions to the presenter – have to talk directly into the microphone to guarantee, that online listeners do hear the questions in good quality, too.
- Seminar starts at 9:15 – as usual
- to participate: go to, the click: „an Meeting teilnehmen“
- Link:
As always, we appreciate your feedback.
You can find our data security policy for the use of Zoom at the DRFZ here: