Home > Research Projects > Identification and modulation of new immune targets in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. (TargArt)
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  • Leibniz Association

Identification and modulation of new immune targets in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. (TargArt)

Leibniz Competition Collaborative Excellence

In this joint project, we are currently investigating the cellular hallmarks of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), the most common rheumatic disease in children. For unknown reasons, JIA spontaneously resolves in some patients, whereas in others joint inflammation persists and recurs.  A better understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, the identification of predictive markers of disease recurrence and the follow-up of these patient cohorts by the DRFZ Epidemiology units, will be crucial to ameliorate patient diagnosis and treatment.

Project term: 2020 – 2024

Head of project

Prof. Dr. Chiara Romagnani

Programme Area 1, PA 1 – Cell and Tissue Rheumatology

Group leader: Innate Immunity

Liaison working group with Charité - Institute of Medical Immunology

Prof. Dr. Chiara Romagnani

further PIs at the DRFZ

Prof. Dr. med. Tilmann Kallinich

Programme Area 3, PA 3 – Systems Rheumatology

Group leader: Chronic inflammation in childhood

Liaison working group with Charité – Dep. of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Immunology and Critical Care Medicine

Prof. Dr. med. Tilmann Kallinich