Home > People at the DRFZ > Prof. Dr. Chiara Romagnani

Prof. Dr. Chiara Romagnani

Programme Area 1, PA 1 – Cell and Tissue Rheumatology

Group leader: Innate Immunity

Liaison working group with Charité - Institute of Medical Immunology

Scientific Backround

Since 2023
Full Professor (W3) and Director, Institute of Medical Immunology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany

2020 – 2023
Full Professor (W3), Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Chair, Leibniz Campus “Chronic Inflammation”, DRFZ, Berlin, Germany

2017 – 2020
Heisenberg Professor (W2), Department for Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Rheumatology, Charité, Berlin, Germany

Since 2010
Group leader, DRFZ, Berlin, Germany

2006 – 2009
Postdoc, Institute of Immunology, Charité and DRFZ, Berlin, Germany

2003 – 2006

1997 – 1998

Since 2024
Elected member Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)– Fachkollegium „Mikrobiologie, Virologie, Immunologie“

Since 2023
ERC Starting Grant Panel member

Since 2022
Chief Editor, European Journal of Immunology

Since 2021
Deputy Speaker, Else Kröner-Promotionskolleg “Rethinking Health”

Since 2020
Speaker, PhD program “Interdisciplinary Center of Infection Biology and Immunity” (ZIBI), Berlin

Since 2020
Editorial Advisory Board, Immunity (Cell Press)

Speaker of the Leibniz Science Campus “Chronic Inflammation”

Since 2019
Committee member, Robert-Koch Postdoctoral Prize

Since 2018
Speaker, Integrated Research and Training Group of CRC TRR241

Since 2018
Board elected member, German Society of Immunology (DGfI)

German Society of Immunology (DGfI)

Elected member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina

Berlin University Alliance (BUA) Joint Professorship Charité Universitätsmedizin and Freie Universität Berlin

ERC Advanced Grant

DFG-Heisenberg Professorship

DFG-nominated member of AcademiaNet – “Expert Database for Outstanding Female Academics”

EMBO fellowship

Romagnani lab

Identifying innate signals initiating and perpetuating chronic inflammation