Home > Welcome to the DRFZ

The DRFZ is located on the historic Charité campus, right next to Berlin's main railway station

Welcome to Berlin

Resources for Research Fellows

The German Rheumatology Research Center (DRFZ)

Welcome to the German Rheumatology Research Center!

We are part of the Leibniz Association and located at the heart of the city on the Charité Campus Mitte in Berlin.

We aim to support you throughout your academic and personal journey as a researcher. To help you settle in, we have collected a selection of useful links for your arrival in Germany. A good starting guide are the Welcome Packages from the Leibniz Association’s PhD and PostDoc network. They are designed to ease your transition and provide guidance on all essential steps before and during your stay in Germany.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our scientific coordinator or PhD and Postdoc Representatives.


Picture head: Jacqueline Hirscher