There are more than 70 doctoral students working in the research groups at the DRFZ.
Many of them are members of the DRFZ’s graduate program Leibniz Graduate School on Chronic Inflammation (LeGCI), or another cooperating doctoral program.
In order to ensure a high quality of supervision, the doctoral candidates conclude a supervision agreement. Each doctoral candidate is supervised by a Thesis Advisory Committee consisting of at least three experienced scientists for the entire duration of the doctoral thesis.
Leibniz Graduate School on Chronic Inflammation
About LeGCI
Each doctoral student completes a Supervision Agreement with at least three experiences scientists. Regular meetings with the Advisory Committee ensure an optimal professional support.
The additional curriculum includes seminars and lectures on immunology and chronic inflammation research, courses and workshops to improve the scientific and personal skills and activities to foster research collaborations and personal networks.
Credit point system
The credit point system of LeGCI follows the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Study Record Book
Each doctoral researcher documents the activities in a Study Record Book (see below for link).