
Rheumatic diseases in focus.
Rheumatic diseases in focus. Shaping health.
German Rheumatology Research Center

Research and Rheumatology

Research is a continuous and lengthy process. Developments in the field of rheumatology and immunology have been driven forward with great commitment for many decades and have already achieved significant progress. Although we cannot offer you any direct treatments at the DRFZ, we are working hard to make rheumatism curable. Your well-being is important to us and we are committed to developing innovative solutions for the future.

Figures from the core documentation (in German only)

54 %

der Lupus Patient:innen werden ohne Cortison behandelt.

67 %

der Patient:innen mit einer systemischen Sklerose beschreiben ihren Gesundheitszustand als moderat bis schlecht.

55 %

der Betroffenen mit rheumatoider Arthritis werden mit Methotrexat behandelt.

Flow & mass cytometry Real-time analysis of cell populations
Robotics – increasing efficiency through automation in research
Imaging technologies Precise insights into cell processes

Focus on immune cells: advanced technologies at the DRFZ

The DRFZ is revolutionizing immune cell research with innovative technologies. These make it possible to observe, identify and specifically isolate immune cells in their natural tissue environment. After isolation, the cells are comprehensively analyzed in in-depth molecular and functional studies. This creates a new understanding of the complex interactions in the immune system.

Imaging technologies play a central role in biological research by enabling the visualization of cellular and subcellular structures at the highest resolution. Through advanced microscopy techniques, such as confocal and fluorescence microscopy, researchers can observe dynamic processes in living cells and analyze their interactions in real time. These precise visualizations are crucial for deepening the understanding of diseases and identifying new therapeutic targets.

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