Startseite Aktuelles Seminare Wjatscheslaw Liublin: Analyzing the link between mucus physical properties and parasite and host metabolism in nematode infections by fluorescence lifetime imaging of the gut
Dez. 20

Wjatscheslaw Liublin: Analyzing the link between mucus physical properties and parasite and host metabolism in nematode infections by fluorescence lifetime imaging of the gut


AG Niesner


Tuesday, 1 December 2020 || Time: 9:15


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Anmeldung & Kontakt

  • Logon starts at 9:00, to test technical things
  • Seminar starts at 9:15 – as usual
  • To participate in the seminar, please send a mail to
  • To participate: go to, the click: „an Meeting teilnehmen“

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