Startseite Aktuelles Seminare Daniel Schulz : The role of stromal niches in chronic inflammation
Okt. 18

Daniel Schulz : The role of stromal niches in chronic inflammation


Thursday, 25 October 2018 || Time: 14:00


It has recently been acknowledged that a variety of immune cells that cause long-term inflammation depend not only on inflammatory mediators and antigen but also on survival factors that are thought to be secreted by tissue-resident stromal cells. In these niches, cells proved to be refractory to conventional therapies, hence an important therapeutical question emerged what separates a benign from a malign niche.


when: 14:00-15:00, weekly, every Thursday
where: DRFZ, Seminar room 3, Charitéplatz 1
visitors: Virchowweg 12

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Anmeldung & Kontakt

• Are you familiar with chronic inflammatory diseases?
• Have you heard that any organ can be affected?
• Joints, skin, kidneys, nerves, intestines – all?
• understand one inflammatory disease – cure them all?

…. these and further topics will be covered in the new Lecture Series given by our Postdoc Fellows.

miRNA +++ drug discovery +++ imaging +++ cancer +++ RNA-based gene regulation +++ immune checkpoints as therapeutic targets +++ T cells +++ mass cytometry ++ plasma cell targeting +++ RA and cardiovascular disease +++ optical ethods +++ stromal niches

Stefan Frischbutter +++ Patrick Maschmeyer +++ Randall Lindquist +++ Gitta Heinz +++ Marina Babic-Cac +++ Shintaro Hoyjo +++ Axel Schulz +++ Laleh Khodadadi +++ Yvette Meissner +++ Asylkhan Rakhymzhan +++ Daniel Schulz

In the ScienceCampus we aim at transferring research and therapeutic concepts from one disease to another – across disciplines – for a fast translation into the clinic.

Geschäftsstelle Leibniz WissenschaftsCampus Chronische Entzündung
Mag. Dr. Elke Luger
Tel +49-(0)30-28460-737

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