8th German Mass Cytometry User Forum, 11-12.02.2025

Dear friends of mass cytometry,
Two exciting days filled with cutting-edge mass cytometry discussions have come to an end! The 8th German Mass Cytometry User Forum, held on February 11–12, 2025, in Jena, provided an excellent opportunity for networking, experience sharing, and showcasing the latest advancements in suspension and imaging mass cytometry, as well as the analysis of high-dimensional data.
With inspiring presentations from our invited speakers—Sonia Gavasso (Bergen), Daniel Bachurski (Cologne), Carl Lee (Oxford), and Denis Shapiro (Heidelberg)—the meeting fostered an engaging and stimulating scientific exchange.
Our sincere thanks go to all speakers, participants, and industry sponsors for their valuable contributions, which made this event truly exceptional and memorable.
A big thank you to Diana Dudziak and Sabine Baumgart from Jena University Hospital for graciously hosting this year’s meeting!
Thank you all for making this event such a success—we look forward to seeing you at next year’s forum!
Best regards,
Axel Schulz
for the organizer