Dr. rer. nat. Henrik Mei
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin (DRFZ)
A Leibniz Institute
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Henrik Mei studied medical biotechnology at the Technical University of Berlin. He continued working on the homeostasis of human antibody-secreting plasma cells at the Charité Berlin and the DRFZ Berlin, and obtained his PhD from the Humboldt University for studies on the regulation of humoral memory in human in 2010. He contributed to the concept of competition and mobilization of plasma cells as a basis for the regulation of humoral memory, and showed the continuous presence of mucosal plasmablasts in the blood of normal individual and their contribution to characteristic plasmacytosis in SLE.
As a postdoc, Henrik demonstrated for the first time CD19+ and CD19- plasma cells in human bone marrow as dynamic and static cell populations jointly providing humoral immunity.
In 2013, Henrik joined the Human Immune Monitoring Center (HIMC) at Stanford University (USA) where he performed immune monitoring projects using mass cytometry with Holden Maecker. There he pioneered antibody-based live cell sample barcoding for mass cytometry and developed patented platinum labeling of antibodies for mass cytometry.
In 2015, Henrik Mei became Scientific Head of Mass Cytometry at the DRFZ Berlin. His lab pursues collaborative studies in clinical immunology, the advancement of mass cytometry assays, and plasma cell homeostasis.
His work has been honored with the Hans-Hench Price for Clinical Immunology by the DGfI, the Start-up grant by the German Society for Rheumatology, and the Research Award by the Wolfgang Schulze Foundation. Henrik Mei initiated and coordinates the German Mass Cytometry Network, and is Vice President of the German Society for Cytometry.